May 5, 2023
Got news?
Email Nicky Fairless at with your submission.
Each week there is a new History Mystery for staff and students to solve. You may use the form to guess on the website to guess once a day. The clues will get increasingly more specific each day. The winner gets a free box of movie candy!. Good luck!
Here is the link to the History Mystery weekly challenge if you're interested
Here is Sahar Kazmi - Student of the Month for March!!!!
She brings a lot of positive energy and a quality of excellence while learning Spanish!
She is a determined student who wants mastery of the subject, while at the same time, helps those around her graciously.
Yay Sahar!!!
Notes from the Library…
There has been an uptick of behavior related issues in the library as the end of the school year nears. With that said, here are a few library related reminders …
1. Students are welcome to visit the library with a pink LRC pass that is written by the student’s curricular teacher (the teachers who knows a student genuinely needs to work in the LRC) and NOT their Guided Study, Freshman Seminar, or ASP teachers. When choosing to write a pass for a student please be cognizant of the reason, as students are expected to be productive (quiet reading, homework, chess practice) while visiting the library.
2. Students are expected to arrive to the library on time and should be getting their pink passes from their curricular teachers prior to the current period in which they ask to visit. If they are asking for a pass for the current period, it is too late – please advise the student to return to their GS, FS, or ASP.
3. Textbook season is upon us! The last day for students to visit the library during their lunch, GS, FS, or ASP is Friday May 12th. If you would like to sign up early for the End-of-the-Year Textbook Return please click here!
Thank you for supporting the LRC in these final weeks and all year long!
A reminder that the Library side of the LRC will be closed to students starting May 12th, as we will be knee-deep in textbook returns (in the textbook room) and will not be monitoring the circulation desk or tables.
The printer is available.
The Tech Hub will be open.
Peer Tutoring will be open.
Give a Shout Out to your colleagues here!
Our student-athlete of the week is senior softball player May Pasqualini.
Click HERE for the full article.