March 2, 2023
Got news?
Email Nicky Fairless at with your submission.
Each week there is a new History Mystery for staff and students to solve. You may use the form to guess on the website to guess once a day. The clues will get increasingly more specific each day. The winner gets a free box of movie candy!. Good luck!
Here is the link to the History Mystery weekly challenge if you're interested
Please help recognize and honor Jonathan Mezera. Jonathan was one of three students who earned GOLD on the National German Exam. He was invited to and participated in the Regional Interview process. There he earned a full scholarship, the Swiss Benevolent Society Award, which will allow him to attend the Concordia Language Villages in Minnesota this summer. This is such an amazing accomplishment, reward, and opportunity!
Our SD308 Student Coalition members have been hard at work this year organizing and putting on Amplify events, Lunch and Learns for staff members, and more. We are so proud of their courage and commitment. Now, we have an opportunity for you to support this group of students through our very first "merch" store! There are tons of clothing options ranging from t-shirts to hoodies, all available in several different colors. Earnings will help fund Coalition students' diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives and opportunities at Oswego East and SD308. Please take a moment to check out the website; the store will be open through March 26. Attached you'll find the logo that will be on all the shirts (this logo is in black but it will be in white on the shirts). Thank you in advance for your support!!
Give a Shout Out to your colleagues here!